Now kingH4428 DavidH1732 was oldH2204 and strickenH935 in years;H3117 and they coveredH3680 him with clothes,H899 but he got noH3808 heat.H3179
Why his servantsH5650 saidH559 to him, Let there be soughtH1245 for my lordH113 the kingH4428 a youngH5291 virgin:H1330 and let her standH5975 beforeH6440 the king,H4428 and let her cherishH5532 him, and let her lieH7901 in your bosom,H2436 that my lordH113 the kingH4428 may get heat.H2552
So they soughtH1245 for a fairH3303 damselH5291 throughout allH3605 the coastsH1366 of Israel,H3478 and foundH4672 AbishagH49 a Shunammite,H7767 and broughtH935 her to the king.H4428
And the damselH5291 was veryH3966 fair,H3303 and cherishedH5532 the king,H4428 and ministeredH8334 to him: but the kingH4428 knewH3045 her not.
Then AdonijahH138 the sonH1121 of HaggithH2294 exaltedH5375 himself, saying,H559 I will be king:H4427 and he preparedH6213 him chariotsH7393 and horsemen,H6571 and fiftyH2572 menH376 to runH7323 beforeH6440 him.
And his fatherH1 had not displeasedH6087 him at any timeH3117 in saying,H559 WhyH4069 have you doneH6213 so?H3602 and he alsoH1571 was a veryH3966 goodlyH2896 man; and his mother bore him afterH310 Absalom.H53
And he conferredH1961 H1697 with JoabH3097 the sonH1121 of Zeruiah,H6870 and with AbiatharH54 the priest:H3548 and they followingH310 AdonijahH138 helpedH5826 him.
But ZadokH6659 the priest,H3548 and BenaiahH1141 the sonH1121 of Jehoiada,H3111 and NathanH5416 the prophet,H5030 and Shimei,H8096 and Rei,H7472 and the mightyH1368 men whichH834 belonged to David,H1732 were not with Adonijah.H138
And AdonijahH138 slewH2076 sheepH6629 and oxenH1241 and fatH4806 cattleH4806 by the stoneH68 of Zoheleth,H2120 whichH834 is by Enrogel,H5883 and calledH7121 allH3605 his brothersH251 the king'sH4428 sons,H1121 and allH3605 the menH582 of JudahH3063 the king'sH4428 servants:H5650
But NathanH5416 the prophet,H5030 and Benaiah,H1141 and the mightyH1368 men, and SolomonH8010 his brother,H251 he calledH7121 not.
Why NathanH5416 spokeH559 to BathshebaH1339 the motherH517 of Solomon,H8010 saying,H559 Have you not heardH8085 that AdonijahH138 the sonH1121 of HaggithH2294 does reign,H4427 and DavidH1732 our lordH113 knowsH3045 it not?
NowH6258 therefore come,H3212 let me, I prayH4994 you, give you counsel,H6098 that you may saveH4422 your own life,H5315 and the lifeH5315 of your sonH1121 Solomon.H8010
GoH3212 and getH935 you in to kingH4428 David,H1732 and sayH559 to him, Did not you, my lord,H113 O king,H4428 swearH7650 to your handmaid,H519 saying,H559 AssuredlyH3588 SolomonH8010 your sonH1121 shall reignH4427 afterH310 me, and he shall sitH3427 on my throne?H3678 whyH4069 then does AdonijahH138 reign?H4427
Behold,H2009 while you yetH5750 talkH1696 thereH8033 with the king,H4428 I also will comeH935 in afterH310 you, and confirmH4390 your words.H1697
And BathshebaH1339 wentH935 in to the kingH4428 into the chamber:H2315 and the kingH4428 was veryH3966 old;H2204 and AbishagH49 the ShunammiteH7767 ministeredH8334 to the king.H4428
And BathshebaH1339 bowed,H6915 and did obeisanceH7812 to the king.H4428 And the kingH4428 said,H559 WhatH4100 would you?
And she saidH559 to him, My lord,H113 you sworeH7650 by the LORDH3068 your GodH430 to your handmaid,H519 saying,H559 AssuredlyH3588 SolomonH8010 your sonH1121 shall reignH4427 afterH310 me, and he shall sitH3427 on my throne.H3678
And now,H6258 behold,H2009 AdonijahH138 reigns;H4427 and now,H6258 my lordH113 the king,H4428 you knowH3045 it not:
And he has slainH2076 oxenH7794 and fatH4806 cattleH4806 and sheepH6629 in abundance,H7230 and has calledH7121 allH3605 the sonsH1121 of the king,H4428 and AbiatharH54 the priest,H3548 and JoabH3097 the captainH8269 of the host:H6635 but SolomonH8010 your servantH5650 has he not called.H7121
And you, my lord,H113 O king,H4428 the eyesH5869 of allH3605 IsraelH3478 are on you, that you should tellH5046 them whoH4310 shall sitH3427 onH5921 the throneH3678 of my lordH113 the kingH4428 afterH310 him.
Otherwise it shall comeH1961 to pass, when my lordH113 the kingH4428 shall sleepH7901 with his fathers,H1 that I and my sonH1121 SolomonH8010 shall be counted offenders.H2400
And, see,H2009 while she yetH5750 talkedH1696 with the king,H4428 NathanH5416 the prophetH5030 also cameH935 in.
And they toldH5046 the king,H4428 saying,H559 BeholdH2009 NathanH5416 the prophet.H5030 And when he was comeH935 in before the king,H4428 he bowedH7812 himself beforeH6440 the kingH4428 with his faceH639 to the ground.H776
And NathanH5416 said,H559 My lord,H113 O king,H4428 have you said,H559 AdonijahH138 shall reignH4427 afterH310 me, and he shall sitH3427 on my throne?H3678
For he is goneH3381 downH3381 this day,H3117 and has slainH2076 oxenH7794 and fatH4806 cattleH4806 and sheepH6629 in abundance,H7230 and has calledH7121 allH3605 the king'sH4428 sons,H1121 and the captainsH8269 of the host,H6635 and AbiatharH54 the priest;H3548 and, behold,H2009 they eatH398 and drinkH8354 beforeH6440 him, and say,H559 God saveH2421 kingH4428 Adonijah.
But me, even me your servant,H5650 and ZadokH6659 the priest,H3548 and BenaiahH1141 the sonH1121 of Jehoiada,H3111 and your servantH5650 Solomon,H8010 has he not called.H7121
Is thisH2088 thingH1697 done by my lordH113 the king,H4428 and you have not showedH3045 it to your servant,H5650 whoH4310 should sitH3427 on the throneH3678 of my lordH113 the kingH4428 afterH310 him?
Then kingH4428 DavidH1732 answeredH6030 and said,H559 CallH7121 me Bathsheba.H1339 And she cameH935 into the king'sH4428 presence,H6440 and stoodH5975 beforeH6440 the king.H4428
And the kingH4428 swore,H7650 and said,H559 As the LORDH3068 lives,H2416 that has redeemedH6299 my soulH5315 out of allH3605 distress,H6869
EvenH3588 as I sworeH7650 to you by the LORDH3068 GodH430 of Israel,H3478 saying,H559 AssuredlyH3588 SolomonH8010 your sonH1121 shall reignH4427 afterH310 me, and he shall sitH3427 on my throneH3678 in my stead;H8478 evenH3588 soH3651 will I certainly doH6213 thisH2088 day.H3117
Then BathshebaH1339 bowedH6915 with her faceH639 to the earth,H776 and did reverenceH7812 to the king,H4428 and said,H559 Let my lordH113 kingH4428 DavidH1732 liveH2421 for ever.H5769
And kingH4428 DavidH1732 said,H559 CallH7121 me ZadokH6659 the priest,H3548 and NathanH5416 the prophet,H5030 and BenaiahH1141 the sonH1121 of Jehoiada.H3111 And they cameH935 beforeH6440 the king.H4428
The kingH4428 also saidH559 to them, TakeH3947 with you the servantsH5650 of your lord,H113 and cause SolomonH8010 my sonH1121 to rideH7392 on my own mule,H6506 and bringH3381 him downH3381 to Gihon:H1521
And let ZadokH6659 the priestH3548 and NathanH5416 the prophetH5030 anointH4886 him thereH8033 kingH4428 overH5921 Israel:H3478 and blowH8628 you with the trumpet,H7782 and say,H559 God saveH2421 kingH4428 Solomon.H8010
Then you shall comeH5927 up afterH310 him, that he may comeH935 and sitH3427 on my throne;H3678 for he shall be kingH4427 in my stead:H8478 and I have appointedH6680 him to be rulerH5057 overH5921 IsraelH3478 and overH5921 Judah.H3063
And BenaiahH1141 the sonH1121 of JehoiadaH3111 answeredH6030 the king,H4428 and said,H559 Amen:H543 the LORDH3068 GodH430 of my lordH113 the kingH4428 sayH559 soH3651 too.
As the LORDH3068 has beenH1961 with my lordH113 the king,H4428 even soH3651 be he with Solomon,H8010 and make his throneH3678 greater than the throneH3678 of my lordH113 kingH4428 David.H1732
So ZadokH6659 the priest,H3548 and NathanH5416 the prophet,H5030 and BenaiahH1141 the sonH1121 of Jehoiada,H3111 and the Cherethites,H3746 and the Pelethites,H6432 wentH3381 down,H3381 and caused SolomonH8010 to rideH7392 on kingH4428 David'sH1732 mule,H6506 and broughtH3212 him to Gihon.H1521
And ZadokH6659 the priestH3548 tookH3947 an hornH7161 of oilH8081 out of the tabernacle,H168 and anointedH4886 Solomon.H8010 And they blewH8628 the trumpet;H7782 and allH3605 the peopleH5971 said,H559 God saveH2421 kingH4428 Solomon.H8010
And allH3605 the peopleH5971 cameH5927 up afterH310 him, and the peopleH5971 pipedH2490 with pipes,H2485 and rejoicedH8056 with greatH1419 joy,H8057 so that the earthH776 rentH1234 with the soundH6963 of them.
And AdonijahH138 and allH3605 the guestsH7121 that were with him heardH8085 it as they had made an endH3615 of eating.H398 And when JoabH3097 heardH8085 the soundH6963 of the trumpet,H7782 he said,H559 WhyH4069 is this noiseH6963 of the cityH7151 being in an uproar?H1993
And while he yetH5750 spoke,H1696 behold,H2009 JonathanH3129 the sonH1121 of AbiatharH54 the priestH3548 came;H935 and AdonijahH138 saidH559 to him, ComeH935 in; for you are a valiantH2428 man,H376 and bringH1319 goodH2896 tidings.H1319
And JonathanH3129 answeredH6030 and saidH559 to Adonijah,H138 TrulyH61 our lordH113 kingH4428 DavidH1732 has made SolomonH8010 king.H4427
And the kingH4428 has sentH7971 with him ZadokH6659 the priest,H3548 and NathanH5416 the prophet,H5030 and BenaiahH1141 the sonH1121 of Jehoiada,H3111 and the Cherethites,H3774 and the Pelethites,H6432 and they have caused him to rideH7392 on the king'sH4428 mule:H6506
And ZadokH6659 the priestH3548 and NathanH5416 the prophetH5030 have anointedH4886 him kingH4428 in Gihon:H1521 and they are comeH5927 up from thereH8033 rejoicing,H8056 so that the cityH7151 rangH1949 again. ThisH1931 is the noiseH6963 that you have heard.H8085
And alsoH1571 SolomonH8010 sitsH3427 onH5921 the throneH3678 of the kingdom.H4410
And moreoverH1571 the king'sH4428 servantsH5650 cameH935 to blessH1288 our lordH113 kingH4428 David,H1732 saying,H559 GodH430 make the nameH8034 of SolomonH8010 betterH3190 than your name,H8034 and make his throneH3678 greater than your throne.H3678 And the kingH4428 bowedH7812 himself on the bed.H4904
And alsoH1571 thusH3602 saidH559 the king,H4428 BlessedH1288 be the LORDH3068 GodH430 of Israel,H3478 whichH834 has givenH5414 one to sitH3427 onH5921 my throneH3678 this day,H3117 my eyesH5869 even seeingH7200 it.
And allH3605 the guestsH7121 that were with AdonijahH138 were afraid,H2729 and roseH6965 up, and wentH3212 every manH376 his way.H1870
And AdonijahH138 fearedH3372 becauseH6440 of Solomon,H8010 and arose,H6965 and went,H3212 and caughtH2388 holdH2388 on the hornsH7161 of the altar.H4196
And it was toldH5046 Solomon,H8010 saying,H559 Behold,H2009 AdonijahH138 fearsH3372 kingH4428 Solomon:H8010 for, see,H2009 he has caughtH270 holdH270 on the hornsH7161 of the altar,H4196 saying,H559 Let kingH4428 SolomonH8010 swearH7650 to me todayH3117 that he will not slayH4191 his servantH5650 with the sword.H2719
And SolomonH8010 said,H559 IfH518 he will show himself a worthyH2428 man,H1121 there shall not an hairH8185 of him fallH5307 to the earth:H776 but ifH518 wickednessH7451 shall be foundH4672 in him, he shall die.H4191
So kingH4428 SolomonH8010 sent,H7971 and they broughtH3381 him downH3381 from the altar.H4196 And he cameH7126 and bowedH7812 himself to kingH4428 Solomon:H8010 and SolomonH8010 saidH559 to him, GoH3212 to your house.H1004