In the threeH7969 and twentiethH6242 yearH8141 of JoashH3101 the sonH1121 of AhaziahH274 kingH4428 of JudahH3063 JehoahazH3059 the sonH1121 of JehuH3058 began to reignH4427 overH5921 IsraelH3478 in Samaria,H8111 and reigned seventeenH7651 H6240 years.H8141
And he didH6213 that which was evilH7451 in the sightH5869 of the LORD,H3068 and followedH3212 H310 the sinsH2403 of JeroboamH3379 the sonH1121 of Nebat,H5028 which made IsraelH3478 to sin;H2398 he departedH5493 not therefrom.
And the angerH639 of the LORDH3068 was kindledH2734 against Israel,H3478 and he deliveredH5414 them into the handH3027 of HazaelH2371 kingH4428 of Syria,H758 and into the handH3027 of BenhadadH1130 the sonH1121 of Hazael,H2371 allH3605 their days.H3117
And JehoahazH3059 soughtH2470 the LORD,H3068 and the LORDH3068 listenedH8085 to him: for he sawH7200 the oppressionH3906 of Israel,H3478 becauseH3588 the kingH4428 of SyriaH758 oppressedH3905 them.
(And the LORDH3068 gaveH5414 IsraelH3478 a savior,H3467 so that they wentH3318 out from underH8478 the handH3027 of the Syrians:H758 and the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 dwelledH3427 in their tents,H168 as beforetime.H8543 H8032
NeverthelessH389 they departedH5493 not from the sinsH2403 of the houseH1004 of Jeroboam,H3379 whoH834 made IsraelH3478 sin,H2398 but walkedH1980 therein: and there remainedH5975 the groveH842 alsoH1571 in Samaria.H8111)
NeitherH3808 did he leaveH7604 of the peopleH5971 to JehoahazH3059 but fiftyH2572 horsemen,H6571 and tenH6235 chariots,H7393 and tenH6235 thousandH505 footmen;H7273 for the kingH4428 of SyriaH758 had destroyedH6 them, and had madeH7760 them like the dustH6083 by threshing.H1758
NowH6258 the restH3499 of the actsH1697 of Jehoahaz,H3059 and allH3605 that he did,H6213 and his might,H1369 are they not writtenH3789 in the bookH5612 of the chroniclesH1697 H3117 of the kingsH4428 of Israel?H3478
And JehoahazH3059 sleptH7901 with his fathers;H1 and they buriedH6912 him in Samaria:H8111 and JoashH3101 his sonH1121 reignedH4427 in his stead.H8478
In the thirtyH7970 and seventhH7651 yearH8141 of JoashH3101 kingH4428 of JudahH3063 began JehoashH3060 the sonH1121 of JehoahazH3059 to reignH4427 overH5921 IsraelH3478 in Samaria,H8111 and reigned sixteenH8337 H6240 years.H8141
And he didH6213 that which was evilH7451 in the sightH5869 of the LORD;H3068 he departedH5493 not from allH3605 the sinsH2403 of JeroboamH3379 the sonH1121 of Nebat,H5028 whoH834 made IsraelH3478 sin:H2398 but he walkedH1980 therein.
And the restH3499 of the actsH1697 of Joash,H3101 and allH3605 that he did,H6213 and his mightH1369 with whichH834 he foughtH3898 againstH5973 AmaziahH558 kingH4428 of Judah,H3063 are they not writtenH3789 in the bookH5612 of the chroniclesH1697 H3117 of the kingsH4428 of Israel?H3478
And JoashH3101 sleptH7901 with his fathers;H1 and JeroboamH3379 satH3427 on his throne:H3678 and JoashH3101 was buriedH6912 in SamariaH8111 with the kingsH4428 of Israel.H3478
Now ElishaH477 was fallen sickH2470 of his sicknessH2483 whereofH834 he died.H4191 And JoashH3101 the kingH4428 of IsraelH3478 cameH3381 downH3381 to him, and weptH1058 overH5921 his face,H6440 and said,H559 O my father,H1 my father,H1 the chariotH7393 of Israel,H3478 and the horsemenH6571 thereof.
And ElishaH477 saidH559 to him, TakeH3947 bowH7198 and arrows.H2671 And he tookH3947 to him bowH7198 and arrows.H2671
And he saidH559 to the kingH4428 of Israel,H3478 PutH7392 your handH3027 on the bow.H7198 And he putH7760 his handH3027 on it: and ElishaH477 putH7760 his handsH3027 on the king'sH4428 hands.H3027
And he said,H559 OpenH6605 the windowH2474 eastward.H6924 And he openedH6605 it. Then ElishaH477 said,H559 Shoot.H3384 And he shot.H3384 And he said,H559 The arrowH2671 of the LORD'sH3068 deliverance,H8668 and the arrowH2671 of deliveranceH8668 from Syria:H758 for you shall smiteH5221 the SyriansH758 in Aphek,H663 tillH5704 you have consumedH3615 them.
And he said,H559 TakeH3947 the arrows.H2671 And he tookH3947 them. And he saidH559 to the kingH4428 of Israel,H3478 SmiteH5221 on the ground.H776 And he smoteH5221 thrice,H7969 H6471 and stayed.H5975
And the manH376 of GodH430 was wrothH7107 with him, and said,H559 You should have smittenH5221 fiveH2568 orH176 sixH8337 times;H6471 thenH227 had you smittenH5221 SyriaH758 tillH5704 you had consumedH3615 it: whereasH6258 nowH6258 you shall smiteH5221 SyriaH758 but thrice.H7969 H6471
And ElishaH477 died,H4191 and they buriedH6912 him. And the bandsH1416 of the MoabitesH4124 invadedH935 the landH776 at the comingH935 in of the year.H8141
And it cameH1961 to pass, as they were buryingH6912 a man,H376 that, behold,H2009 they spiedH7200 a bandH1416 of men; and they castH7993 the manH376 into the sepulcherH6913 of Elisha:H477 and when the manH376 was letH3212 down,H3212 and touchedH5060 the bonesH6106 of Elisha,H477 he revived,H2421 and stoodH6965 up onH5921 his feet.H7272
But HazaelH2371 kingH4428 of SyriaH758 oppressedH3905 IsraelH3478 allH3605 the daysH3117 of Jehoahaz.H3059
And the LORDH3068 was graciousH2603 to them, and had compassionH7355 on them, and had respectH6437 to them, becauseH4616 of his covenantH1285 with Abraham,H85 Isaac,H3327 and Jacob,H3290 and wouldH14 not destroyH7843 them, neitherH3808 castH7993 he them from his presenceH6440 as yet.H5704 H6258
So HazaelH2371 kingH4428 of SyriaH758 died;H4191 and BenhadadH1130 his sonH1121 reignedH4427 in his stead.H8478
And JehoashH3060 the sonH1121 of JehoahazH3059 tookH3947 againH7725 out of the handH3027 of BenhadadH1130 the sonH1121 of HazaelH2371 the cities,H5892 whichH834 he had takenH3947 out of the handH3027 of JehoahazH3059 his fatherH1 by war.H4421 ThreeH7969 timesH6471 did JoashH3101 beatH5221 him, and recoveredH7725 the citiesH5892 of Israel.H3478