In the twentyH6242 and seventhH7651 yearH8141 of JeroboamH3379 kingH4428 of IsraelH3478 began AzariahH5838 sonH1121 of AmaziahH558 kingH4428 of JudahH3063 to reign.H4427
SixteenH8337 H6240 yearsH8141 oldH1121 was he when he began to reign,H4427 and he reignedH4427 twoH8147 and fiftyH2572 yearsH8141 in Jerusalem.H3389 And his mother'sH517 nameH8034 was JecholiahH3203 of Jerusalem.H3389
And he didH6213 that which was rightH3477 in the sightH5869 of the LORD,H3068 according to allH3605 that his fatherH1 AmaziahH558 had done;H6213
SaveH7535 that the highH1116 places were not removed:H5493 the peopleH5971 sacrificedH2076 and burntH6999 incenseH6999 stillH5750 on the highH1116 places.
And the LORDH3068 smoteH5221 the king,H4428 so that he was a leperH6879 to the dayH3117 of his death,H4194 and dwelledH3427 in a severalH2669 house.H1004 And JothamH3147 the king'sH4428 sonH1121 was overH5921 the house,H1004 judgingH8199 the peopleH5971 of the land.H776
And the restH3499 of the actsH1697 of Azariah,H5838 and allH3605 that he did,H6213 are they not writtenH3789 in the bookH5612 of the chroniclesH1697 H3117 of the kingsH4428 of Judah?H3063
So AzariahH5838 sleptH7901 with his fathers;H1 and they buriedH6912 him with his fathersH1 in the cityH5892 of David:H1732 and JothamH3147 his sonH1121 reignedH4427 in his stead.H8478
In the thirtyH7970 and eighthH8083 yearH8141 of AzariahH5838 kingH4428 of JudahH3063 did ZachariahH2148 the sonH1121 of JeroboamH3379 reignH4427 overH5921 IsraelH3478 in SamariaH8111 sixH8337 months.H2320
And he didH6213 that which was evilH7451 in the sightH5869 of the LORD,H3068 as his fathersH1 had done:H6213 he departedH5493 not from the sinsH2403 of JeroboamH3379 the sonH1121 of Nebat,H5028 whoH834 made IsraelH3478 to sin.H2398
And ShallumH7967 the sonH1121 of JabeshH3003 conspiredH7194 againstH5921 him, and smoteH5221 him beforeH6905 the people,H5971 and slewH4191 him, and reignedH4427 in his stead.H8478
And the restH3499 of the actsH1697 of Zachariah,H2148 behold,H2009 they are writtenH3789 in the bookH5612 of the chroniclesH1697 H3117 of the kingsH4428 of Israel.H3478
ThisH1931 was the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 whichH834 he spokeH1696 to Jehu,H3058 saying,H559 Your sonsH1121 shall sitH3427 onH5921 the throneH3678 of IsraelH3478 to the fourthH7243 generation. And soH3651 it cameH1961 to pass.
ShallumH7967 the sonH1121 of JabeshH3003 began to reignH4427 in the nineH8672 and thirtiethH7970 yearH8141 of UzziahH5818 kingH4428 of Judah;H3063 and he reignedH4427 a fullH3117 monthH3391 in Samaria.H8111
For MenahemH4505 the sonH1121 of GadiH1424 wentH5927 up from Tirzah,H8656 and cameH935 to Samaria,H8111 and smoteH5221 ShallumH7967 the sonH1121 of JabeshH3003 in Samaria,H8111 and slewH4191 him, and reignedH4427 in his stead.H8478
And the restH3499 of the actsH1697 of Shallum,H7967 and his conspiracyH7195 whichH834 he made,H7194 behold,H2009 they are writtenH3789 in the bookH5612 of the chroniclesH1697 H3117 of the kingsH4428 of Israel.H3478
ThenH227 MenahemH4505 smoteH5221 Tiphsah,H8607 and allH3605 that were therein, and the coastsH1366 thereof from Tirzah:H8656 becauseH3588 they openedH6605 not to him, therefore he smoteH5221 it; and allH3605 the women therein that were with childH2030 he rippedH1234 up.
In the nineH8672 and thirtiethH7970 yearH8141 of AzariahH5838 kingH4428 of JudahH3063 began MenahemH4505 the sonH1121 of GadiH1424 to reignH4427 overH5921 Israel,H3478 and reigned tenH6235 yearsH8141 in Samaria.H8111
And he didH6213 that which was evilH7451 in the sightH5869 of the LORD:H3068 he departedH5493 not allH3605 his daysH3117 from the sinsH2403 of JeroboamH3379 the sonH1121 of Nebat,H5028 whoH834 made IsraelH3478 to sin.H2398
And PulH6322 the kingH4428 of AssyriaH804 cameH935 againstH5921 the land:H776 and MenahemH4505 gaveH5414 PulH6322 a thousandH505 talentsH3603 of silver,H3701 that his handH3027 might be with him to confirmH2388 the kingdomH4467 in his hand.H3027
And MenahemH4505 exactedH3318 the moneyH3701 of Israel,H3478 even of allH3605 the mightyH1368 men of wealth,H2428 of eachH259 manH376 fiftyH2572 shekelsH8255 of silver,H3701 to giveH5414 to the kingH4428 of Assyria.H804 So the kingH4428 of AssyriaH804 turnedH7725 back,H7725 and stayedH5975 not thereH8033 in the land.H776
And the restH3499 of the actsH1697 of Menahem,H4505 and allH3605 that he did,H6213 are they not writtenH3789 in the bookH5612 of the chroniclesH1697 H3117 of the kingsH4428 of Israel?H3478
And MenahemH4505 sleptH7901 with his fathers;H1 and PekahiahH6494 his sonH1121 reignedH4427 in his stead.H8478
In the fiftiethH2572 yearH8141 of AzariahH5838 kingH4428 of JudahH3063 PekahiahH6494 the sonH1121 of MenahemH4505 began to reignH4427 overH5921 IsraelH3478 in Samaria,H8111 and reigned two years.H8141
And he didH6213 that which was evilH7451 in the sightH5869 of the LORD:H3068 he departedH5493 not from the sinsH2403 of JeroboamH3379 the sonH1121 of Nebat,H5028 whoH834 made IsraelH3478 to sin.H2398
But PekahH6492 the sonH1121 of Remaliah,H7425 a captainH7991 of his, conspiredH7194 againstH5921 him, and smoteH5221 him in Samaria,H8111 in the palaceH759 of the king'sH4428 house,H1004 with ArgobH709 and Arieh,H745 and with him fiftyH2572 menH376 of the Gileadites:H1569 and he killedH4191 him, and reignedH4427 in his room.H8478
And the restH3499 of the actsH1697 of Pekahiah,H6494 and allH3605 that he did,H6213 behold,H2009 they are writtenH3789 in the bookH5612 of the chroniclesH1697 H3117 of the kingsH4428 of Israel.H3478
In the twoH8147 and fiftiethH2572 yearH8141 of AzariahH5838 kingH4428 of JudahH3063 PekahH6492 the sonH1121 of RemaliahH7425 began to reignH4427 overH5921 IsraelH3478 in Samaria,H8111 and reigned twentyH6242 years.H8141
And he didH6213 that which was evilH7451 in the sightH5869 of the LORD:H3068 he departedH5493 not from the sinsH2403 of JeroboamH3379 the sonH1121 of Nebat,H5028 whoH834 made IsraelH3478 to sin.H2398
In the daysH3117 of PekahH6492 kingH4428 of IsraelH3478 cameH935 TiglathpileserH8407 kingH4428 of Assyria,H804 and tookH3947 Ijon,H5859 and Abelbethmaachah,H62 and Janoah,H3239 and Kedesh,H6943 and Hazor,H2674 and Gilead,H1568 and Galilee,H1551 allH3605 the landH776 of Naphtali,H5321 and carriedH1540 them captiveH1540 to Assyria.H804
And HosheaH1954 the sonH1121 of ElahH425 made a conspiracyH7195 againstH5921 PekahH6492 the sonH1121 of Remaliah,H7425 and smoteH5221 him, and slewH4191 him, and reignedH4427 in his stead,H8478 in the twentiethH6242 yearH8141 of JothamH3147 the sonH1121 of Uzziah.H5818
And the restH3499 of the actsH1697 of Pekah,H6492 and allH3605 that he did,H6213 behold,H2009 they are writtenH3789 in the bookH5612 of the chroniclesH1697 H3117 of the kingsH4428 of Israel.H3478
In the secondH8147 yearH8141 of PekahH6492 the sonH1121 of RemaliahH7425 kingH4428 of IsraelH3478 began JothamH3147 the sonH1121 of UzziahH5818 kingH4428 of JudahH3063 to reign.H4427
FiveH2568 and twentyH6242 yearsH8141 oldH1121 was he when he began to reign,H4427 and he reignedH4427 sixteenH8337 H6240 yearsH8141 in Jerusalem.H3389 And his mother'sH517 nameH8034 was Jerusha,H3388 the daughterH1323 of Zadok.H6659
And he didH6213 that which was rightH3477 in the sightH5869 of the LORD:H3068 he didH6213 according to allH3605 that his fatherH1 UzziahH5818 had done.H6213
However, the highH1116 places were not removed:H5493 the peopleH5971 sacrificedH2076 and burnedH6999 incenseH6999 stillH5750 in the highH1116 places. He builtH1129 the higherH5945 gateH8179 of the houseH1004 of the LORD.H3068
Now the restH3499 of the actsH1697 of Jotham,H3147 and allH3605 that he did,H6213 are they not writtenH3789 in the bookH5612 of the chroniclesH1697 H3117 of the kingsH4428 of Judah?H3063
In thoseH1992 daysH3117 the LORDH3068 beganH2490 to sendH7971 against JudahH3063 RezinH7526 the kingH4428 of Syria,H758 and PekahH6492 the sonH1121 of Remaliah.H7425
And JothamH3147 sleptH7901 with his fathers,H1 and was buriedH6912 with his fathersH1 in the cityH5892 of DavidH1732 his father:H1 and AhazH271 his sonH1121 reignedH4427 in his stead.H8478