And it cameH1961 to pass in the ninthH8671 yearH8141 of his reign,H4427 in the tenthH6218 month,H2320 in the tenthH6218 day of the month,H2320 that NebuchadnezzarH5019 kingH4428 of BabylonH894 came,H935 he, and allH3605 his host,H2428 againstH5921 Jerusalem,H3389 and pitchedH2583 againstH5921 it; and they builtH1129 fortsH1785 againstH5921 it roundH5439 about.
And the cityH5892 was besiegedH935 H4692 to the eleventhH6249 H6240 yearH8141 of kingH4428 Zedekiah.H6667
And on the ninthH8672 day of the fourth monthH2320 the famineH7458 prevailedH2388 in the city,H5892 and there was noH3808 breadH3899 for the peopleH5971 of the land.H776
And the cityH5892 was brokenH1234 up, and allH3605 the menH582 of warH4421 fled by nightH3915 by the wayH1870 of the gateH8179 betweenH996 two walls,H2346 whichH834 is by the king'sH4428 garden:H1588 (now the ChaldeesH3778 were againstH5921 the cityH5892 roundH5439 about:) and the king wentH3212 the wayH1870 towardH1870 the plain.H6160
And the armyH2428 of the ChaldeesH3778 pursuedH7291 afterH310 the king,H4428 and overtookH5381 him in the plainsH6160 of Jericho:H3405 and allH3605 his armyH2428 were scatteredH6327 from him.
So they tookH8610 the king,H4428 and broughtH5927 him up to the kingH4428 of BabylonH894 to Riblah;H7247 and they gaveH1696 judgmentH4941 on him.
And they slewH7819 the sonsH1121 of ZedekiahH6667 before his eyes,H5869 and putH5786 out the eyesH5869 of Zedekiah,H6667 and boundH631 him with fettersH5178 of brass,H5178 and carriedH935 him to Babylon.H894
And in the fifthH2549 month,H2320 on the seventhH7651 day of the month,H2320 whichH1958 is the nineteenthH8672 H6240 yearH8141 of kingH4428 NebuchadnezzarH5019 kingH4428 of Babylon,H894 cameH935 Nebuzaradan,H5018 captainH7227 of the guard,H2876 a servantH5650 of the kingH4428 of Babylon,H894 to Jerusalem:H3389
And he burntH8313 the houseH1004 of the LORD,H3068 and the king'sH4428 house,H1004 and allH3605 the housesH1004 of Jerusalem,H3389 and everyH3605 greatH1419 man's houseH1004 burntH8313 he with fire.H784
And allH3605 the armyH2428 of the Chaldees,H3778 that were with the captainH7227 of the guard,H2876 brokeH5422 downH5422 the wallsH2346 of JerusalemH3389 roundH5439 about.
Now the restH3499 of the peopleH5971 that were leftH7604 in the city,H5892 and the fugitivesH5307 that fellH5307 away to the kingH4428 of Babylon,H894 with the remnantH3499 of the multitude,H1995 did NebuzaradanH5018 the captainH7227 of the guardH2876 carryH1540 away.H1540
But the captainH7227 of the guardH2876 leftH7604 of the door of the poorH1803 of the landH776 to be vinedressersH3755 and farmers.H1461
And the pillarsH5982 of brassH5178 that were in the houseH1004 of the LORD,H3068 and the bases,H4350 and the brazenH5178 seaH3220 that was in the houseH1004 of the LORD,H3068 did the ChaldeesH3778 breakH7665 in pieces, and carriedH5375 the brassH5178 of them to Babylon.H894
And the pots,H5518 and the shovels,H3257 and the snuffers,H4212 and the spoons,H3709 and allH3605 the vesselsH3627 of brassH5178 with whichH834 they ministered,H8334 tookH3947 they away.
And the fire pans,H4289 and the bowls,H4219 and such things as were of gold,H2091 in gold,H2091 and of silver,H3701 in silver,H3701 the captainH7227 of the guardH2876 tookH3947 away.
The twoH8147 pillars,H5982 oneH259 sea,H3220 and the basesH4350 whichH834 SolomonH8010 had madeH6213 for the houseH1004 of the LORD;H3068 the brassH5178 of allH3605 theseH428 vesselsH3627 was withoutH3808 weight.H4948
The heightH6967 of the oneH259 pillarH5982 was eighteenH8083 H6240 cubits,H520 and the capitalH3805 on it was brass:H5178 and the heightH6967 of the capitalH3805 threeH7969 cubits;H520 and the wreathenH7639 work,H7639 and pomegranatesH7416 on the capitalH3805 roundH5439 about, allH3605 of brass:H5178 and like to theseH428 had the secondH8145 pillarH5982 with wreathenH7639 work.H7639
And the captainH7227 of the guardH2876 tookH3947 SeraiahH8304 the chiefH7218 priest,H3548 and ZephaniahH6846 the secondH4932 priest,H3548 and the threeH7969 keepersH8104 of the door:H5592
And out of the cityH5892 he tookH3947 an officerH5631 that was setH6496 overH5921 the menH582 of war,H4421 and fiveH2568 menH582 of them that were in the king'sH4428 presence,H6440 whichH834 were foundH4672 in the city,H5892 and the principalH8269 scribeH5608 of the host,H6635 which musteredH6633 the peopleH5971 of the land,H776 and three scoreH8346 menH376 of the peopleH5971 of the landH776 that were foundH4672 in the city:H5892
And NebuzaradanH5018 captainH7227 of the guardH2876 tookH3947 these, and broughtH3212 them to the kingH4428 of BabylonH894 to Riblah:H7247
And the kingH4428 of BabylonH894 smoteH5221 them, and slewH4191 them at RiblahH7247 in the landH776 of Hamath.H2574 So JudahH3063 was carriedH1540 awayH1540 out of their land.H127
And as for the peopleH5971 that remainedH7604 in the landH776 of Judah,H3063 whomH834 NebuchadnezzarH5019 kingH4428 of BabylonH894 had left,H7604 even overH5921 them he made GedaliahH1436 the sonH1121 of Ahikam,H296 the sonH1121 of Shaphan,H8227 ruler.H6485
And when allH3605 the captainsH8269 of the armies,H2428 they and their men,H582 heardH8085 that the kingH4428 of BabylonH894 had made GedaliahH1436 governor,H6485 there cameH935 to GedaliahH1436 to Mizpah,H4709 even IshmaelH3458 the sonH1121 of Nethaniah,H5418 and JohananH3110 the sonH1121 of Careah,H7143 and SeraiahH8304 the sonH1121 of TanhumethH8576 the Netophathite,H5200 and JaazaniahH2970 the sonH1121 of a Maachathite,H4602 they and their men.H582
And GedaliahH1436 sworeH7650 to them, and to their men,H582 and saidH559 to them, FearH3372 not to be the servantsH5650 of the Chaldees:H3778 dwellH3427 in the land,H776 and serveH5647 the kingH4428 of Babylon;H894 and it shall be wellH3190 with you.
But it cameH1961 to pass in the seventhH7637 month,H2320 that IshmaelH3458 the sonH1121 of Nethaniah,H5418 the sonH1121 of Elishama,H476 of the seedH2233 royal,H4410 came,H935 and tenH6235 menH582 with him, and smoteH5221 Gedaliah,H1436 that he died,H4191 and the JewsH3064 and the ChaldeesH3778 that were with him at Mizpah.H4709
And allH3605 the people,H5971 both smallH6996 and great,H1419 and the captainsH8269 of the armies,H2428 arose,H6965 and cameH935 to Egypt:H4714 for they were afraidH3372 of the Chaldees.H3778
And it cameH1961 to pass in the sevenH7651 and thirtiethH7970 yearH8141 of the captivityH1546 of JehoiachinH3078 kingH4428 of Judah,H3063 in the twelfthH8147 H6240 month,H2320 on the sevenH7651 and twentiethH6242 day of the month,H2320 that EvilmerodachH192 kingH4428 of BabylonH894 in the yearH8141 that he began to reignH4427 did liftH5375 up the headH7218 of JehoiachinH3078 kingH4428 of JudahH3063 out of prison;H1004
And he spokeH1696 kindlyH2896 to him, and setH5414 his throneH3678 aboveH5921 the throneH3678 of the kingsH4428 that were with him in Babylon;H894
And changedH8132 his prisonH1004 H3608 garments:H899 and he did eatH398 breadH3899 continuallyH8548 beforeH6440 him allH3605 the daysH3117 of his life.H2416
And his allowanceH737 was a continualH8548 allowanceH737 givenH5414 him of the king,H4428 a dailyH3117 rateH1697 for every day,H3117 allH3605 the daysH3117 of his life.H2416