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It cameH1961 to pass afterH310 thisH3651 also, that the childrenH1121 of Moab,H4124 and the childrenH1121 of Ammon,H5983 and with them other beside the Ammonites,H5984 cameH935 againstH5921 JehoshaphatH3092 to battle.H4421
Then there cameH935 some that toldH5046 Jehoshaphat,H3092 saying,H559 There comesH935 a greatH7227 multitudeH1995 againstH5921 you from beyondH5676 the seaH3220 on this side Syria;H758 and, behold,H2009 they be in Hazazontamar,H2688 whichH1958 is Engedi.H5872
And JehoshaphatH3092 feared,H3372 and setH5414 himselfH6440 to seekH1875 the LORD,H3068 and proclaimedH7121 a fastH6685 throughoutH5921 allH3605 Judah.H3063
And JudahH3063 gatheredH6908 themselves together, to askH1245 helpH5826 of the LORD:H3068 evenH1571 out of allH3605 the citiesH5892 of JudahH3063 they cameH935 to seekH1245 the LORD.H3068
And JehoshaphatH3092 stoodH5975 in the congregationH6951 of JudahH3063 and Jerusalem,H3389 in the houseH1004 of the LORD,H3068 beforeH6440 the newH2319 court,H2691
And said,H559 O LORDH3068 GodH430 of our fathers,H1 are not you GodH430 in heaven?H8064 and ruleH4910 not you over allH3605 the kingdomsH4467 of the heathen?H1471 and in your handH3027 is there not powerH3581 and might,H1369 so that noneH369 is able to withstandH3320 you?
Are not you our God,H430 who did driveH3423 out the inhabitantsH3427 of thisH2063 landH776 beforeH6440 your peopleH5971 Israel,H3478 and gaveH5414 it to the seedH2233 of AbrahamH85 your friendH157 for ever?H5769
And they dwelledH3427 therein, and have builtH1129 you a sanctuaryH4720 therein for your name,H8034 saying,H559
If,H518 when evilH7451 comesH935 on us, as the sword,H2719 judgment,H8196 or pestilence,H1698 or famine,H7458 we standH5975 beforeH6440 thisH2088 house,H1004 and in your presence,H6440 (for your nameH8034 is in thisH2088 house,H1004) and cryH2199 to you in our affliction,H6869 then you will hearH8085 and help.H3467
And now,H6258 behold,H2009 the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983 and MoabH4124 and mountH2022 Seir,H8165 whomH834 you would not let IsraelH3478 invade,H935 when they cameH935 out of the landH776 of Egypt,H4714 but they turnedH5493 from them, and destroyedH8045 them not;
Behold,H2009 I say, how they rewardH1580 us, to comeH935 to castH1644 us out of your possession,H3425 whichH834 you have given us to inherit.H3423
O our God,H430 will you not judgeH8199 them? for we have noH369 mightH3581 againstH6440 thisH2088 greatH7227 companyH1995 that comesH935 againstH5921 us; neitherH3808 knowH3045 we whatH4100 to do:H6213 but our eyesH5869 are on you.
And allH3605 JudahH3063 stoodH5975 beforeH6440 the LORD,H3068 with their littleH2945 ones, their wives,H802 and their children.H1121
Then on JahazielH3166 the sonH1121 of Zechariah,H2148 the sonH1121 of Benaiah,H1141 the sonH1121 of Jeiel,H3273 the sonH1121 of Mattaniah,H4983 a LeviteH3881 of the sonsH1121 of Asaph,H623 cameH1961 the SpiritH7307 of the LORDH3068 in the middleH8432 of the congregation;H6951
And he said,H559 ListenH7181 you, allH3605 Judah,H3063 and you inhabitantsH3427 of Jerusalem,H3389 and you kingH4428 Jehoshaphat,H3092 ThusH3541 saidH559 the LORDH3068 to you, Be not afraidH3372 norH408 dismayedH2865 by reasonH6440 of thisH2088 greatH7227 multitude;H1995 for the battleH4421 is not yours, but God's.H430
To morrowH4279 goH3381 you downH3381 againstH5921 them: behold,H2009 they comeH5927 up by the cliffH4608 of Ziz;H6732 and you shall findH4672 them at the endH5490 of the brook,H5158 beforeH6440 the wildernessH4057 of Jeruel.H3385
You shall not need to fightH3898 in thisH2063 battle: setH3320 yourselves, standH5975 you still, and seeH7200 the salvationH3444 of the LORDH3068 with you, O JudahH3063 and Jerusalem:H3389 fearH3372 not, norH408 be dismayed;H2865 to morrowH4279 goH3318 out againstH6440 them: for the LORDH3068 will be with you.
And JehoshaphatH3092 bowedH6915 his head with his faceH639 to the ground:H776 and allH3605 JudahH3063 and the inhabitantsH3427 of JerusalemH3389 fellH5307 beforeH6440 the LORD,H3068 worshippingH7812 the LORD.H3068
And the Levites,H3881 of the childrenH1121 of the Kohathites,H6956 and of the childrenH1121 of the Korhites,H7145 stoodH6965 up to praiseH1984 the LORDH3068 GodH430 of IsraelH3478 with a loudH1419 voiceH6963 on high.H4605
And they roseH7925 earlyH7925 in the morning,H1242 and wentH3318 forthH3318 into the wildernessH4057 of Tekoa:H8620 and as they wentH3318 forth,H3318 JehoshaphatH3092 stoodH5975 and said,H559 HearH8085 me, O Judah,H3063 and you inhabitantsH3427 of Jerusalem;H3389 BelieveH539 in the LORDH3068 your God,H430 so shall you be established;H539 believeH539 his prophets,H5030 so shall you prosper.H6743
And when he had consultedH3289 with the people,H5971 he appointedH5975 singersH7891 to the LORD,H3068 and that should praiseH1984 the beautyH1927 of holiness,H6944 as they wentH3318 out beforeH6440 the army,H2502 and to say,H559 PraiseH3034 the LORD;H3068 for his mercyH2617 endures for ever.H5769
And whenH6256 they beganH2490 to singH7440 and to praise,H8416 the LORDH3068 setH5414 ambushesH693 againstH5921 the childrenH1121 of Ammon,H5983 Moab,H4124 and mountH2022 Seir,H8165 which were comeH935 against Judah;H3063 and they were smitten.H5062
For the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983 and MoabH4124 stoodH5975 up againstH5921 the inhabitantsH3427 of mountH2022 Seir,H8165 utterly to slayH2763 and destroyH8045 them: and when they had made an endH3615 of the inhabitantsH3427 of Seir,H8165 everyH376 one helpedH5826 to destroyH4889 another.H7453
And when JudahH3063 cameH935 towardH5921 the watchH4707 tower in the wilderness,H4057 they lookedH6437 to the multitude,H1995 and, behold,H2009 they were deadH6297 bodiesH6297 fallenH5307 to the earth,H776 and noneH369 escaped.H6413
And when JehoshaphatH3092 and his peopleH5971 cameH935 to takeH962 away the spoilH7998 of them, they foundH4672 among them in abundanceH7230 both richesH7399 with the deadH6297 bodies,H6297 and preciousH2530 jewels,H3627 which they strippedH5337 off for themselves, more thanH369 they could carryH4853 away: and they were threeH7969 daysH3117 in gatheringH962 of the spoil,H7998 it was so much.H7227
And on the fourthH7243 dayH3117 they assembledH6950 themselves in the valleyH6010 of Berachah;H1294 for thereH8033 they blessedH1288 the LORD:H3068 thereforeH5921 H3651 the nameH8034 of the sameH1931 placeH4725 was called,H7121 The valleyH6010 of Berachah,H1294 to thisH2088 day.H3117
Then they returned,H7725 everyH3605 manH376 of JudahH3063 and Jerusalem,H3389 and JehoshaphatH3092 in the forefrontH7218 of them, to goH7725 againH7725 to JerusalemH3389 with joy;H8057 for the LORDH3068 had made them to rejoiceH8055 over their enemies.H341
And they cameH935 to JerusalemH3389 with psalteriesH5035 and harpsH3658 and trumpetsH2689 to the houseH1004 of the LORD.H3068
And the fearH6343 of GodH430 was onH5921 allH3605 the kingdomsH4467 of those countries,H776 when they had heardH8085 that the LORDH3068 foughtH3898 againstH5973 the enemiesH341 of Israel.H3478
So the realmH4438 of JehoshaphatH3092 was quiet:H8252 for his GodH430 gave him restH5117 roundH5439 about.
And JehoshaphatH3092 reignedH4427 overH5921 Judah:H3063 he was thirtyH7970 and fiveH2568 yearsH8141 oldH1121 when he began to reign,H4427 and he reignedH4427 twentyH6242 and fiveH2568 yearsH8141 in Jerusalem.H3389 And his mother'sH517 nameH8034 was AzubahH5806 the daughterH1323 of Shilhi.H7977
And he walkedH3212 in the wayH1870 of AsaH609 his father,H25 and departedH5493 not from it, doingH6213 that which was rightH3477 in the sightH5869 of the LORD.H3068
However, the highH1116 places were not takenH5493 away:H5493 for as yetH5750 the peopleH5971 had not preparedH3559 their heartsH3824 to the GodH430 of their fathers.H1
Now the restH3499 of the actsH1697 of Jehoshaphat,H3092 firstH7223 and last,H314 behold,H2009 they are writtenH3789 in the bookH1697 of JehuH3058 the sonH1121 of Hanani,H2607 whoH834 is mentionedH5927 in the bookH5612 of the kingsH4428 of Israel.H3478
And afterH310 thisH3651 did JehoshaphatH3092 kingH4428 of JudahH3063 joinH2266 himself with AhaziahH274 kingH4428 of Israel,H3478 whoH1931 didH6213 very wickedly:H7561
And he joinedH2266 himself with him to makeH6213 shipsH591 to goH3212 to Tarshish:H8659 and they madeH6213 the shipsH591 in Eziongaber.H6100
Then EliezerH461 the sonH1121 of DodavahH1735 of MareshahH4762 prophesiedH5012 againstH5921 Jehoshaphat,H3092 saying,H559 Because you have joinedH2266 yourself with Ahaziah,H274 the LORDH3068 has brokenH6555 your works.H4639 And the shipsH591 were broken,H7665 that they were not ableH6113 to goH3212 to Tarshish.H8659
Родился в 1965 году в Запорожской области, на Украине. В августе 1987 года принял святое водное крещение. В 1997 году был избран на диаконское служение.
Григорий Кронин
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Родился в Киргизии, в г. Фрунзе. Вырос в большой христианской семье. С малых лет родители и бабушка познакомили Александра с Богом Создателем и Спасителем Иисусом Христом.
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