Then the prophets,H5029 HaggaiH2292 the prophet,H5029 and ZechariahH2148 the sonH1247 of Iddo,H5714 prophesiedH5013 to the JewsH3062 that were in JudahH3061 and JerusalemH3390 in the nameH8036 of the GodH426 of Israel,H3479 even to them.
ThenH116 roseH6965 up ZerubbabelH2217 the sonH1247 of Shealtiel,H7597 and JeshuaH3443 the sonH1247 of Jozadak,H3136 and beganH8271 to buildH1124 the houseH1005 of GodH426 whichH1768 is at Jerusalem:H3390 and with them were the prophetsH5029 of GodH426 helpingH5582 them.
At the same timeH2166 cameH858 to them Tatnai,H8674 governorH6347 on this sideH5675 the river,H5103 and Shetharboznai H8370and their companions,H3675 and saidH560 thusH3652 to them, WhoH4479 has commandedH7761 H2942 you to buildH1124 thisH1836 house,H1005 and to makeH3635 up thisH1836 wall?H846
ThenH116 saidH560 we to them after thisH3660 manner, WhatH4479 are the namesH8036 of the menH1400 that makeH1124 thisH1836 building?H1147
But the eyeH5870 of their GodH426 was on the eldersH7868 of the Jews,H3062 that they could not cause them to cease,H989 tillH5705 the matterH2941 cameH1946 to Darius:H1868 and thenH116 they returnedH8421 answerH8421 by letterH5407 concerningH5922 thisH1836 matter.
The copyH6573 of the letterH104 that Tatnai,H8674 governorH6347 on this sideH5675 the river,H5103 and Shetharboznai H8370and his companionsH3675 the Apharsachites,H671 whichH1768 were on this sideH5675 the river,H5103 sentH7972 to DariusH1868 the king:H4430
They sentH7972 a letterH6600 to him, whereinH1459 was writtenH3790 thus;H1836 To DariusH1868 the king,H4430 allH3606 peace.H8001
Be it knownH3046 to the king,H4430 that we wentH236 into the provinceH4083 of Judea,H3061 to the houseH1005 of the greatH7229 God,H426 whichH1931 is builtH1124 with greatH1560 stones,H69 and timberH636 is laidH7760 in the walls,H3797 and thisH1791 workH5673 goesH5648 fastH629 on, and prospersH6744 in their hands.H3028
ThenH116 askedH7593 we thoseH479 elders,H7868 and saidH560 to them thus,H3660 WhoH4479 commandedH7761 H2942 you to buildH1124 thisH1836 house,H1005 and to makeH3635 up theseH1836 walls?H846
We askedH7593 their namesH8036 also,H638 to certifyH3046 you, that we might writeH3790 the namesH8036 of the menH1400 that were the chiefH7217 of them.
And thusH3660 they returnedH8421 us answer,H6600 saying,H560 We are the servantsH5649 of the GodH426 of heavenH8065 and earth,H772 and buildH1124 the houseH1005 that was builtH1124 theseH1836 manyH7690 yearsH8140 ago,H6928 which a greatH7229 kingH4430 of IsraelH3479 builtH1124 and setH3635 up.
But afterH4481 that our fathersH2 had provokedH7265 the GodH426 of heavenH8065 to wrath,H7265 he gaveH3052 them into the handH3028 of NebuchadnezzarH5020 the kingH4430 of Babylon,H895 the Chaldean,H3777 who destroyedH5642 thisH1836 house,H1005 and carriedH1541 the peopleH5972 awayH1541 into Babylon.H895
But in the firstH2298 yearH8140 of CyrusH3567 the kingH4430 of BabylonH895 the same kingH4430 CyrusH3567 madeH7761 a decreeH2942 to buildH1124 thisH1836 houseH1005 of God.H426
And the vesselsH3984 alsoH638 of goldH1722 and silverH3702 of the houseH1005 of God,H426 whichH1768 NebuchadnezzarH5020 tookH5312 out of the templeH1965 that was in Jerusalem,H3390 and broughtH2987 them into the templeH1965 of Babylon,H895 thoseH1994 did CyrusH3567 the kingH4430 takeH5312 out of the templeH1965 of Babylon,H895 and they were deliveredH3052 to one, whose nameH8036 was Sheshbazzar,H8339 whomH1768 he had madeH7761 governor;H6347
And saidH560 to him, TakeH5376 theseH412 vessels,H3984 go,H236 carryH5182 them into the templeH1965 that is in Jerusalem,H3390 and let the houseH1005 of GodH426 be builtH1124 in his place.H870
ThenH116 cameH858 the sameH1791 Sheshbazzar,H8339 and laidH3052 the foundationH787 of the houseH1005 of GodH426 whichH1768 is in Jerusalem:H3390 and sinceH4481 that timeH116 even untilH5704 nowH3705 has it been in building,H1124 and yet it is not finished.H8000
NowH3705 therefore, ifH2006 it seem goodH2869 to the king,H4430 let there be searchH1240 made in the king'sH4430 treasureH1596 house,H1005 whichH1768 is thereH8536 at Babylon,H895 whetherH2006 it be so, that a decreeH2942 was madeH7761 of CyrusH3567 the kingH4430 to buildH1124 thisH1791 houseH1005 of GodH426 at Jerusalem,H3390 and let the kingH4430 sendH7972 his pleasureH7470 to us concerningH5922 thisH1836 matter.H1836