To the chiefH5329 Musician,H5329 Altaschith,H516 MichtamH4387 of David;H1732 when SaulH7586 sent,H7971 and they watchedH8104 the houseH1004 to killH4191 him. DeliverH5337 me from my enemies,H341 O my God:H430 defendH7682 me from them that riseH6965 up against me.
DeliverH5337 me from the workersH6466 of iniquity,H205 and saveH3467 me from bloodyH1818 men.H582
For, see,H2009 they lie in waitH693 for my soul:H5315 the mightyH5794 are gatheredH1481 againstH5921 me; not for my transgression,H6588 norH3808 for my sin,H2403 O LORD.H3068
They runH7323 and prepareH3559 themselves withoutH1097 my fault:H5771 awakeH5782 to helpH7125 me, and behold.H7200
You therefore, O LORDH3068 GodH430 of hosts,H6635 the GodH430 of Israel,H3478 awakeH6974 to visitH6485 allH3605 the heathen:H1471 be not mercifulH2603 to anyH3605 wickedH205 transgressors.H898 Selah.H5542
They returnH7725 at evening:H6153 they make a noiseH1993 like a dog,H3611 and goH5437 roundH5437 about the city.H5892
Behold,H2009 they belchH5042 out with their mouth:H6310 swordsH2719 are in their lips:H8193 for who,H4310 say they, does hear?H8085
But you, O LORD,H3068 shall laughH7832 at them; you shall have allH3605 the heathenH1471 in derision.H3932
Because of his strengthH5797 will I waitH8104 on you: for GodH430 is my defense.H4869
The GodH430 of my mercyH2617 shall preventH6923 me: GodH430 shall let me seeH7200 my desire on my enemies.H8324
SlayH2026 them not, lestH6435 my peopleH5971 forget:H7911 scatterH5128 them by your power;H2428 and bringH3381 them down,H3381 O LordH136 our shield.H4043
For the sinH2403 of their mouthH6310 and the wordsH1697 of their lipsH8193 let them even be takenH3920 in their pride:H1347 and for cursingH423 and lyingH3585 which they speak.H5608
ConsumeH3615 them in wrath,H2534 consumeH3615 them, that they may not be: and let them knowH3045 that GodH430 rulesH4910 in JacobH3290 to the endsH657 of the earth.H776 Selah.H5542
And at eveningH6153 let them return;H7725 and let them make a noiseH1993 like a dog,H3611 and goH5437 roundH5437 about the city.H5892
Let them wanderH5128 up and down for meat,H398 and grudgeH3885 ifH518 they be not satisfied.H7646
But I will singH7891 of your power;H5797 yes, I will singH7442 aloudH7442 of your mercyH2617 in the morning:H1242 for you have beenH1961 my defenseH4869 and refugeH4498 in the dayH3117 of my trouble.H6862
To you, O my strength,H5797 will I sing:H2167 for GodH430 is my defense,H4869 and the GodH430 of my mercy.H2617