DeadH4194 fliesH2070 cause the ointmentH8081 of the apothecaryH7543 to sendH5042 forth a stinkingH887 smell:H7381 so does a littleH4592 follyH5531 him that is in reputationH3368 for wisdomH2451 and honor.H3519
A wiseH2450 man's heartH3820 is at his rightH3225 hand;H3225 but a fool'sH3684 heartH3820 at his left.H8040
YesH1571 also,H1571 when he that is a foolH5530 walksH1980 by the way,H1870 his wisdomH3820 failsH2638 him, and he saidH559 to everyH3605 one that he is a fool.H5530
IfH518 the spiritH7307 of the rulerH4910 riseH5927 up againstH5921 you, leaveH5117 not your place;H4725 for yieldingH4832 pacifiesH3240 greatH1419 offenses.H2399
There is an evilH7451 which I have seenH7200 underH8478 the sun,H8121 as an errorH7684 which proceedsH3318 from the ruler:H7989
FollyH5529 is setH5414 in greatH7227 dignity,H4791 and the richH6223 sitH3427 in lowH8216 place.
I have seenH7200 servantsH5650 on horses,H5483 and princesH8269 walkingH1980 as servantsH5650 on the earth.H776
He that digsH2658 a pitH1475 shall fallH5307 into it; and whoever breaksH6555 an hedge,H1447 a serpentH5175 shall biteH5391 him.
Whoever removesH5265 stonesH68 shall be hurtH6087 therewith; and he that splitsH1234 woodH6086 shall be endangeredH5533 thereby.
IfH518 the ironH1270 be blunt,H6949 and he do not whetH7043 the edge,H6440 then must he putH1396 to more strength:H2428 but wisdomH2451 is profitableH3504 to direct.H3787
SurelyH518 the serpentH5175 will biteH5391 withoutH3808 enchantment;H3908 and a babblerH1167 H3956 is noH369 better.H3504
The wordsH1697 of a wiseH2450 man's mouthH6310 are gracious;H2580 but the lipsH8193 of a foolH3684 will swallowH1104 up himself.
The beginningH8462 of the wordsH1697 of his mouthH6310 is foolishness:H5531 and the endH319 of his talkH6310 is mischievousH7451 madness.H1948
A foolH5530 also is fullH7235 of words:H1697 a manH120 cannotH3045 tellH5046 whatH4100 shall be; and whatH4100 shall be afterH310 him, whoH4310 can tellH5046 him?
The laborH5999 of the foolishH3684 weariesH3021 every one of them, becauseH834 he knowsH3045 not howH834 to goH3212 to the city.H5892
WoeH337 to you, O land,H776 when your kingH4428 is a child,H5288 and your princesH8269 eatH398 in the morning!H1242
BlessedH835 are you, O land,H776 when your kingH4428 is the sonH1121 of nobles,H2715 and your princesH8269 eatH398 in due season,H6256 for strength,H1369 and not for drunkenness!H8358
By much slothfulnessH6103 the buildingH4746 decays;H4355 and through idlenessH8220 of the handsH3027 the houseH1004 dropsH1811 through.H1811
A feastH3899 is madeH6213 for laughter,H7814 and wineH3196 makes merry:H8055 but moneyH3701 answersH6030 allH3605 things.
CurseH7043 not the king,H4428 noH408 not in your thought;H4093 and curseH7043 not the richH6223 in your bedchamber:H2315 H4296 for a birdH5775 of the airH8064 shall carryH3212 the voice,H6963 and that which hasH1167 wingsH3671 shall tellH5046 the matter.H1697