Now the childrenH1121 of ReubenH7205 and the childrenH1121 of GadH1410 hadH1961 a veryH3966 greatH6099 multitudeH7227 of cattle:H4735 and when they sawH7200 the landH776 of Jazer,H3270 and the landH776 of Gilead,H1568 that, behold,H2009 the placeH4725 was a placeH4725 for cattle;H4735
The childrenH1121 of GadH1410 and the childrenH1121 of ReubenH7205 cameH935 and spokeH559 to Moses,H4872 and to EleazarH499 the priest,H3548 and to the princesH5387 of the congregation,H5712 saying,H559
Ataroth,H5852 and Dibon,H1769 and Jazer,H3270 and Nimrah,H5247 and Heshbon,H2809 and Elealeh,H500 and Shebam,H7643 and Nebo,H5015 and Beon,H1194
Even the countryH776 whichH834 the LORDH3068 smoteH5221 beforeH6440 the congregationH5712 of Israel,H3478 is a landH776 for cattle,H4735 and your servantsH5650 have cattle:H4735
Why, saidH559 they, ifH518 we have foundH4672 graceH2580 in your sight,H5869 let thisH2063 landH776 be givenH5414 to your servantsH5650 for a possession,H272 and bringH5674 us not overH5674 Jordan.H3383
And MosesH4872 saidH559 to the childrenH1121 of GadH1410 and to the childrenH1121 of Reuben,H7205 Shall your brothersH251 goH935 to war,H4421 and shall you sitH3427 here?H6311
And whyH4100 discourageH5106 you the heartH3820 of the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 from goingH5674 overH5674 intoH413 the landH776 whichH834 the LORDH3068 has givenH5414 them?
ThusH3541 didH6213 your fathers,H1 when I sentH7971 them from KadeshbarneaH6947 to seeH7200 the land.H776
For when they wentH5927 up to the valleyH5158 of Eshcol,H812 and sawH7200 the land,H776 they discouragedH5106 the heartH3820 of the childrenH1121 of Israel,H3478 that they should not goH935 intoH413 the landH776 whichH834 the LORDH3068 had givenH5414 them.
And the LORD'sH3068 angerH639 was kindledH2734 the sameH1931 time,H3117 and he swore,H7650 saying,H559
SurelyH518 none of the menH582 that cameH5927 up out of Egypt,H4714 from twentyH6242 yearsH8141 oldH1121 and upward,H4605 shall seeH7200 the landH127 whichH834 I sworeH7650 to Abraham,H85 to Isaac,H3327 and to Jacob;H3290 becauseH3588 they have not whollyH4390 followedH310 me:
SaveH3588 H518 CalebH3612 the sonH1121 of JephunnehH3312 the Kenezite,H7074 and JoshuaH3091 the sonH1121 of Nun:H5126 for they have whollyH4390 followedH310 the LORD.H3068
And the LORD'sH3068 angerH639 was kindled against Israel,H3478 and he made them wanderH5128 in the wildernessH4057 fortyH705 years,H8141 untilH5704 allH3605 the generation,H1755 that had doneH6213 evilH7451 in the sightH5869 of the LORD,H3068 was consumed.H8552
And, behold,H2009 you are risenH6965 up in your fathers'H1 stead,H8478 an increaseH8635 of sinfulH2400 men,H582 to augmentH5595 yetH5750 the fierceH2740 angerH639 of the LORDH3068 towardH413 Israel.H3478
For if you turnH7725 away from afterH310 him, he will yetH5750 againH3254 leaveH5117 them in the wilderness;H4057 and you shall destroyH7843 allH3605 thisH2088 people.H5971
And they cameH5066 nearH5066 to him, and said,H559 We will buildH1129 sheepfoldsH1488 H6629 hereH6311 for our cattle,H4735 and citiesH5892 for our littleH2945 ones:
But we ourselvesH587 will go readyH2363 armedH2502 beforeH6440 the childrenH1121 of Israel,H3478 untilH5704 we have broughtH935 them to their place:H4725 and our littleH2945 ones shall dwellH3427 in the fencedH4013 citiesH5892 becauseH6440 of the inhabitantsH3427 of the land.H776
We will not returnH7725 to our houses,H1004 untilH5704 the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 have inheritedH5157 every manH376 his inheritance.H5159
For we will not inheritH5157 with them onH5921 yonderH5676 sideH5676 Jordan,H3383 or forward;H1973 becauseH3588 our inheritanceH5159 is fallenH935 to us onH5921 this sideH5676 JordanH3383 eastward.H4217
And MosesH4872 saidH559 to them, IfH518 you will doH6213 thisH2088 thing,H1697 ifH518 you will go armedH2502 beforeH6440 the LORDH3068 to war,H4421
And will goH5674 allH3605 of you armedH2502 overH5674 JordanH3383 beforeH6440 the LORD,H3068 untilH5704 he has drivenH3423 out his enemiesH341 from beforeH6440 him,
And the landH776 be subduedH3533 beforeH6440 the LORD:H3068 then afterwardH310 you shall return,H7725 and be guiltlessH5355 before the LORD,H3068 and before Israel;H3478 and thisH2063 landH776 shall be your possessionH272 beforeH6440 the LORD.H3068
But ifH518 you will not doH6213 so,H3651 behold,H2009 you have sinnedH2398 against the LORD:H3068 and be sureH3045 your sinH2403 will findH4672 you out.
BuildH1129 you citiesH5892 for your littleH2945 ones, and foldsH1448 for your sheep;H6792 and doH6213 that which has proceededH3318 out of your mouth.H6310
And the childrenH1121 of GadH1410 and the childrenH1121 of ReubenH7205 spokeH559 to Moses,H4872 saying,H559 Your servantsH5650 will doH6213 as my lordH113 commands.H6680
Our littleH2945 ones, our wives,H802 our flocks,H4735 and allH3605 our cattle,H929 shall be thereH8033 in the citiesH5892 of Gilead:H1568
But your servantsH5650 will passH5674 over,H5674 everyH3605 man armedH2502 for war,H6635 beforeH6440 the LORDH3068 to battle,H4421 as my lordH113 said.H1696
So concerning them MosesH4872 commandedH6680 EleazarH499 the priest,H3548 and JoshuaH3091 the sonH1121 of Nun,H5126 and the chiefH7218 fathersH1 of the tribesH4294 of the childrenH1121 of Israel:H3478
And MosesH4872 saidH559 to them, IfH518 the childrenH1121 of GadH1410 and the childrenH1121 of ReubenH7205 will passH5674 with you overH5674 Jordan,H3383 everyH3605 man armedH2502 to battle,H4421 beforeH6440 the LORD,H3068 and the landH776 shall be subduedH3533 beforeH6440 you; then you shall giveH5414 them the landH776 of GileadH1568 for a possession:H272
But ifH518 they will not passH5674 overH5674 with you armed,H2502 they shall haveH270 possessionsH270 amongH8432 you in the landH776 of Canaan.H3667
And the childrenH1121 of GadH1410 and the childrenH1121 of ReubenH7205 answered,H6030 saying,H559 As the LORDH3068 has saidH1696 to your servants,H5650 soH3651 will we do.H6213
We will passH5674 overH5674 armedH2502 beforeH6440 the LORDH3068 into the landH776 of Canaan,H3667 that the possessionH272 of our inheritanceH5159 onH5921 this sideH5676 JordanH3383 may be ours.
And MosesH4872 gaveH5414 to them, even to the childrenH1121 of Gad,H1410 and to the childrenH1121 of Reuben,H7205 and to halfH2677 the tribeH7626 of ManassehH4519 the sonH1121 of Joseph,H3130 the kingdomH4467 of SihonH5511 kingH4428 of the Amorites,H567 and the kingdomH4467 of OgH5747 kingH4428 of Bashan,H1316 the land,H776 with the citiesH5892 thereof in the coasts,H1367 even the citiesH5892 of the countryH776 roundH5439 about.
And the childrenH1121 of GadH1410 builtH1129 Dibon,H1769 and Ataroth,H5852 and Aroer,H6177
And Atroth,H5855 Shophan,H5855 and Jaazer,H3270 and Jogbehah,H3011
And Bethnimrah,H1039 and Bethharan,H1028 fencedH4013 cities:H5892 and foldsH1448 for sheep.H6629
And the childrenH1121 of ReubenH7205 builtH1129 Heshbon,H2809 and Elealeh,H500 and Kirjathaim,H7156
And Nebo,H5015 and Baalmeon,H1186 (their namesH8034 being changed,H5437) and Shibmah:H7643 and gaveH7121 other namesH8034 to the citiesH5892 whichH834 they built.H1129
And the childrenH1121 of MachirH4353 the sonH1121 of ManassehH4519 wentH3212 to Gilead,H1568 and tookH3920 it, and dispossessedH3423 the AmoriteH567 whichH834 was in it.
And MosesH4872 gaveH5414 GileadH1568 to MachirH4353 the sonH1121 of Manasseh;H4519 and he dwelledH3427 therein.
And JairH2971 the sonH1121 of ManassehH4519 wentH1980 and tookH3920 the small townsH2333 thereof, and calledH7121 them Havothjair.H2334
And NobahH5025 wentH1980 and tookH3920 Kenath,H7079 and the villagesH1323 thereof, and calledH7121 it Nobah,H5025 after his own name.H8034