And it cameH1961 to pass in thoseH1992 days,H3117 when there was noH369 kingH4428 in Israel,H3478 that there was a certainH376 LeviteH3881 sojourningH1481 on the sideH3411 of mountH2022 Ephraim,H669 who tookH3947 to him a concubineH6370 out of Bethlehemjudah.H1035
And his concubineH6370 played the whoreH2181 againstH5921 him, and wentH3212 away from him to her father'sH1 houseH1004 to Bethlehemjudah,H1035 and was thereH8033 fourH702 wholeH3117 months.H2320
And her husbandH376 arose,H6965 and wentH3212 afterH310 her, to speakH1696 friendlyH3820 to her, and to bringH7725 her again,H7725 having his servantH5288 with him, and a coupleH6776 of asses:H2543 and she broughtH935 him into her father'sH1 house:H1004 and when the fatherH1 of the damselH5291 sawH7200 him, he rejoicedH8055 to meetH7125 him.
And his fatherH2859 in law,H2859 the damsel'sH5291 father,H1 retainedH2388 him; and he stayedH3427 with him threeH7969 days:H3117 so they did eatH398 and drink,H8354 and lodgedH3885 there.H8033
And it cameH1961 to pass on the fourthH7243 day,H3117 when they aroseH7925 earlyH7925 in the morning,H1242 that he roseH6965 up to depart:H3212 and the damsel'sH5291 fatherH1 saidH559 to his sonH2860 in law,H2859 ComfortH5582 your heartH3820 with a morselH6595 of bread,H3899 and afterwardH310 goH3212 your way.
And they satH3427 down, and did eatH398 and drinkH8354 bothH8147 of them together:H3162 for the damsel'sH5291 fatherH1 had saidH559 to the man,H376 Be content,H2974 I prayH4994 you, and tarryH3885 allH3885 night, and let your heartH3820 be merry.H3190
And when the manH376 roseH6965 up to depart,H3212 his fatherH2859 in lawH2859 urgedH6484 him: therefore he lodgedH3885 thereH8033 again.H7725
And he aroseH7925 earlyH7925 in the morningH1242 on the fifthH2549 dayH3117 to depart;H3212 and the damsel'sH5291 fatherH1 said,H559 ComfortH5582 your heart,H3824 I prayH4994 you. And they tarriedH4102 untilH5704 afternoon,H5186 H3117 and they did eatH398 bothH8147 of them.
And when the manH376 roseH6965 up to depart,H3212 he, and his concubine,H6370 and his servant,H5288 his fatherH2859 in law,H2859 the damsel'sH5291 father,H1 saidH559 to him, Behold,H2009 nowH4994 the dayH3117 drawsH7503 toward evening,H6150 I prayH4994 you tarryH3885 allH3885 night: behold,H2009 the dayH3117 growsH2583 to an end,H2583 lodgeH3885 here,H6311 that your heartH3824 may be merry;H3190 and to morrowH4279 get you earlyH7925 on your way,H1870 that you may goH1980 home.H168
But the manH376 wouldH14 not tarryH3885 that night, but he roseH6965 up and departed,H3212 and cameH935 overH5227 againstH5227 Jebus,H2982 whichH1958 is Jerusalem;H3389 and there were with him twoH6776 assesH2543 saddled,H2280 his concubineH6370 also was with him.
And when they were by Jebus,H2982 the dayH3117 was farH3966 spent;H7286 and the servantH5288 saidH559 to his master,H113 Come,H3212 I prayH4994 you, and let us turnH5493 in intoH413 thisH2063 cityH5892 of the Jebusites,H2983 and lodgeH3885 in it.
And his masterH113 saidH559 to him, We will not turnH5493 aside here intoH413 the cityH5892 of a stranger,H5237 that is not of the childrenH1121 of Israel;H3478 we will passH5674 overH5674 to Gibeah.H1390
And he saidH559 to his servant,H5288 Come,H3212 and let us draw nearH7126 to oneH259 of these placesH4725 to lodgeH3885 allH3885 night, in Gibeah,H1390 orH176 in Ramah.H7414
And they passedH5674 on and wentH3212 their way;H3212 and the sunH8121 wentH935 down on them when they were by Gibeah,H1390 whichH834 belongs to Benjamin.H1144
And they turnedH5493 aside thither,H8033 to goH935 in and to lodgeH3885 in Gibeah:H1390 and when he wentH935 in, he satH3427 him down in a streetH7339 of the city:H5892 for there was noH369 manH376 that tookH622 them into his houseH1004 to lodging.H3885
And, behold,H2009 there cameH935 an oldH2205 manH376 from his workH4639 out of the fieldH7704 at even,H6153 which was also of mountH2022 Ephraim;H669 and he sojournedH1481 in Gibeah:H1390 but the menH582 of the placeH4725 were Benjamites.H1145
And when he had liftedH5375 up his eyes,H5869 he sawH7200 a wayfaringH732 manH376 in the streetH7339 of the city:H5892 and the oldH2205 manH376 said,H559 WhereH575 goH3212 you? and from whereH370 comeH935 you?
And he saidH559 to him, We are passingH5674 from BethlehemjudahH1035 towardH5704 the sideH3411 of mountH2022 Ephraim;H669 from thereH8033 am I: and I wentH3212 to Bethlehemjudah,H1035 but I am now goingH1980 to the houseH1004 of the LORD;H3068 and there is noH369 manH376 that receivesH622 me to house.H1004
YetH1571 there is bothH1571 strawH8401 and provenderH4554 for our asses;H2543 and there is breadH3899 and wineH3196 alsoH1571 for me, and for your handmaid,H519 and for the youngH5288 man which is with your servants:H5650 there is noH369 wantH4270 of anyH3605 thing.H1697
And the oldH2205 manH376 said,H559 PeaceH7965 be with you; howsoeverH7535 let allH3605 your wantsH4270 lie on me; onlyH7535 lodgeH3885 not in the street.H7339
So he broughtH935 him into his house,H1004 and gave provenderH1101 to the asses:H2543 and they washedH7364 their feet,H7272 and did eatH398 and drink.H8354
Now as they were making their heartsH3820 merry,H3190 behold,H2009 the menH582 of the city,H5892 certainH582 sonsH1121 of Belial,H1100 besetH5437 the houseH1004 roundH5437 about, and beatH1849 atH5921 the door,H1817 and spokeH559 to the masterH1167 of the house,H1004 the oldH2205 man,H376 saying,H559 BringH3318 forthH3318 the manH376 that cameH935 intoH413 your house,H1004 that we may knowH3045 him.
And the man,H376 the masterH1167 of the house,H1004 wentH3318 out to them, and saidH559 to them, No,H408 my brothers,H251 no, I prayH4994 you, do not so wickedly;H7489 seeingH310 that thisH2088 manH376 is comeH935 intoH413 my house,H1004 doH6213 not thisH2063 folly.H5039
Behold,H2009 here is my daughterH1323 a maiden,H1330 and his concubine;H6370 them I will bringH3318 out now,H4994 and humbleH6031 you them, and doH6213 with them what seemsH5869 goodH2896 to you: but to thisH2088 manH376 doH6213 not soH2063 vileH5039 a thing.H1697
But the menH582 wouldH14 not listenH8085 to him: so the manH376 tookH2388 his concubine,H6370 and broughtH3318 her forthH3318 to them; and they knewH3045 her, and abusedH5953 her allH3605 the nightH3915 untilH5704 the morning:H1242 and when the dayH7837 began to spring,H5927 they let her go.H7971
Then cameH935 the womanH802 in the dawningH6437 of the day,H1242 and fellH5307 down at the doorH6607 of the man'sH376 houseH1004 whereH834 H8033 her lordH113 was, tillH5704 it was light.H216
And her lordH113 roseH6965 up in the morning,H1242 and openedH6605 the doorsH1817 of the house,H1004 and wentH3318 out to goH3212 his way:H1870 and, behold,H2009 the womanH802 his concubineH6370 was fallenH5307 down at the doorH6607 of the house,H1004 and her handsH3027 were on the threshold.H5592
And he saidH559 to her, Up, and let us be going.H3212 But noneH369 answered.H6030 Then the manH376 tookH3947 her up on an ass,H2543 and the manH376 roseH6965 up, and gotH3212 him to his place.H4725
And when he was comeH935 intoH413 his house,H1004 he tookH3947 a knife,H3979 and laid holdH2388 on his concubine,H6370 and dividedH5408 her, together with her bones,H6106 into twelveH8147 H6240 pieces,H5409 and sentH7971 her into allH3605 the coastsH1366 of Israel.H3478
And it was so, that allH3605 that sawH7200 it said,H559 There was noH3808 suchH2063 deed doneH1961 norH3808 seenH7200 from the dayH3117 that the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 cameH5927 up out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714 to thisH2088 day:H3117 considerH7760 of it, take advice,H5779 and speakH1696 your minds.