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And GodH430 blessedH1288 NoahH5146 and his sons,H1121 and saidH559 to them, Be fruitful,H6509 and multiply,H7235 and replenishH4390 the earth.H776
And the fearH4172 of you and the dreadH2844 of you shall be on everyH3605 beastH2416 of the earth,H776 and on everyH3605 fowlH5775 of the air,H8064 on allH3605 that movesH7430 on the earth,H127 and on allH3605 the fishesH1709 of the sea;H3220 into your handH3027 are they delivered.H5414
EveryH3605 movingH7430 thing that livesH2416 shall be meatH402 for you; even as the greenH3418 herbH6212 have I givenH5414 you allH3605 things.
But fleshH1320 with the lifeH5315 thereof, which is the bloodH1818 thereof, shall you not eat.H398
And surelyH389 your bloodH1818 of your livesH5315 will I require;H1875 at the handH3027 of everyH3605 beastH2416 will I requireH1875 it, and at the handH3027 of man;H120 at the handH3027 of every man'sH120 brotherH251 will I requireH1875 the lifeH5315 of man.H120
Whoever shedsH8210 man'sH120 blood,H1818 by manH120 shall his bloodH1818 be shed:H8210 for in the imageH6754 of GodH430 madeH6213 he man.H120
And you, be you fruitful,H6509 and multiply;H7235 bringH8317 forthH8317 abundantlyH8317 in the earth,H776 and multiplyH7235 therein.
And GodH430 spokeH559 to Noah,H5146 and to his sonsH1121 with him, saying,H559
And I, behold,H2005 I establishH6965 my covenantH1285 with you, and with your seedH2233 afterH310 you;
And with everyH3605 livingH2416 creatureH5315 that is with you, of the fowl,H5775 of the cattle,H929 and of everyH3605 beastH2416 of the earthH776 with you; from allH3605 that goH3318 out of the ark,H8392 to everyH3605 beastH2416 of the earth.H776
And I will establishH6965 my covenantH1285 with you, neitherH3808 shall allH3605 fleshH1320 be cutH3772 off anyH5750 moreH5750 by the watersH4325 of a flood;H3999 neitherH3808 shall there anyH5750 moreH5750 be a floodH3999 to destroyH7843 the earth.H776
And GodH430 said,H559 ThisH2063 is the tokenH226 of the covenantH1285 whichH834 I makeH5414 betweenH996 me and you and everyH3605 livingH2416 creatureH5315 that is with you, for perpetualH5769 generations:H1755
I do setH5414 my bowH7198 in the cloud,H6051 and it shall be for a tokenH226 of a covenantH1285 betweenH996 me and the earth.H776
And it shall comeH1961 to pass, when I bringH6049 a cloudH6051 overH5921 the earth,H776 that the bowH7198 shall be seenH7200 in the cloud:H6051
And I will rememberH2142 my covenant,H1285 whichH834 is betweenH996 me and you and everyH3605 livingH2416 creatureH5315 of allH3605 flesh;H1320 and the watersH4325 shall noH3808 moreH5750 becomeH1961 a floodH3999 to destroyH7843 allH3605 flesh.H1320
And the bowH7198 shall be in the cloud;H6051 and I will lookH7200 on it, that I may rememberH2142 the everlastingH5769 covenantH1285 betweenH996 GodH430 and everyH3605 livingH2416 creatureH5315 of allH3605 fleshH1320 that is on the earth.H776
And GodH430 saidH559 to Noah,H5146 This is the tokenH226 of the covenant,H1285 whichH834 I have establishedH6965 betweenH996 me and allH3605 fleshH1320 that is on the earth.H776
And the sonsH1121 of Noah,H5146 that wentH3318 forthH3318 of the ark,H8392 were Shem,H8035 and Ham,H2526 and Japheth:H3315 and HamH2526 is the fatherH1 of Canaan.H3667
TheseH428 are the threeH7969 sonsH1121 of Noah:H5146 and of them was the wholeH3605 earthH776 covered.H5310
And NoahH5146 beganH2490 to be an farmer,H376 H127 and he plantedH5193 a vineyard:H3754
And he drankH8354 of the wine,H3196 and was drunken;H7943 and he was uncoveredH1540 withinH8432 his tent.H168
And Ham,H2526 the fatherH1 of Canaan,H3667 sawH7200 the nakednessH6172 of his father,H1 and toldH5046 his twoH8147 brothersH251 without.H2351
And ShemH8035 and JaphethH3315 tookH3947 a garment,H8071 and laidH7760 it on bothH8147 their shoulders,H7926 and wentH3212 backward,H322 and coveredH3680 the nakednessH6172 of their father;H1 and their facesH6440 were backward,H322 and they sawH7200 not their father'sH1 nakedness.H6172
And NoahH5146 awokeH3364 from his wine,H3196 and knewH3045 whatH853 H834 his youngerH6996 sonH1121 had doneH6213 to him.
And he said,H559 CursedH779 be Canaan;H3667 a servantH5650 of servantsH5650 shall he be to his brothers.H251
And he said,H559 BlessedH1288 be the LORDH3068 GodH430 of Shem;H8035 and CanaanH3667 shall be his servant.H5650
GodH430 shall enlargeH6601 Japheth,H3315 and he shall dwellH7931 in the tentsH168 of Shem;H8035 and CanaanH3667 shall be his servant.H5650
And NoahH5146 livedH2421 afterH310 the floodH3999 threeH7969 hundredH3967 and fiftyH2572 years.H8141
And allH3605 the daysH3117 of NoahH5146 were nineH8672 hundredH3967 and fiftyH2572 years:H8141 and he died.H4191
Родился в 1965 году в Запорожской области, на Украине. В августе 1987 года принял святое водное крещение. В 1997 году был избран на диаконское служение.
Григорий Кронин
Главный Пастор
Родился в Киргизии, в г. Фрунзе. Вырос в большой христианской семье. С малых лет родители и бабушка познакомили Александра с Богом Создателем и Спасителем Иисусом Христом.
Александр Тишенко
Деннис Смирнов